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The Urban Garden

Inspiring a Greener, Healthier Future in Beaumont Leys

History of the Urban Garden

In Beaumont Leys, Leicester, a neglected plot of land has been transformed into The Urban Garden—a thriving space that embodies community spirit, sustainability, and resilience. This transformation was made possible by E2 (Cooke E-Learning Foundation), Enstruct, The Conservation Volunteers, Samworth Brothers, and the dedication of local residents.

The idea began with a vision to repurpose the derelict site. Initially considered for a sports field, the project shifted to a garden after discussions with the council. This decision reflected the priorities of the community, demonstrating the adaptability and involvement that shaped the garden’s development.

From the outset, sustainability has been a guiding principle. Volunteers reused materials found on-site and incorporated features like rainwater collection systems, vegetable patches, and sensory areas. These efforts kept costs down and reduced the environmental impact while giving participants hands-on experience in eco-friendly practices. Along the way, they gained valuable skills and a stronger sense of ownership.

Challenges like soil contamination required expert help from De Montfort University to ensure the site’s safety. Despite these hurdles, The Urban Garden has become a symbol of how community-driven projects can address broader issues like poverty and stigma in disadvantaged areas.

Today, The Urban Garden is more than just a green space. It’s an educational hub where children learn about gardening and growing plants. It also supports E2’s Alternative Provision Catering programme, providing fresh produce to teach young people practical cooking and life skills.

The Urban Garden is a testament to collaboration and creativity, showing how a forgotten space can be transformed into a thriving community resource. It stands as a beacon of growth, learning, and hope for Beaumont Leys.



A Thank You to Our Supporters

The success of The Urban Garden would not have been possible without the generosity of our funders, including EMR, TNLCF, Severn Trent Water, J & S Joinery, PepsiCo, Trelleborg, and Natural England. We also owe so much to the hard work and dedication of the volunteers and local residents who brought this vision to life. Thank you for helping us grow something truly special for Beaumont Leys.